Salaries for EOBI
Salaries for EOBI: Employees Old AgeBenefits Institution follow the federal basic Pay scale (BPS) of the government. The salary range depends on the BPS scale, the house allowance, medical allowance, and transport allowance. Here is some information about BPS of October 2024:
Deputy Director (BPS-18)
- Basic Salary: 70,000 PKR to 110,000
- Allowance: House rent, Medical, and travel allowance are also included, which can increase the monthly salary by around 100,000 to 140,000 PKR.
Assistant Director (BPS-17)
- Basic Salary: 45,000 PKR to 85,000
- Allowance: House rent, Medical, and travel allowance are also included, which can increase the monthly salary by around 60,000 to 100,000 PKR.
Executive Officer (BPS-16)
- Basic Salary: 35,000 PKR to 70,000
- Allowance: House rent, Medical, and travel allowance are also included, which can increase the monthly salary by around 50,000 to 85,000 PKR.
Lower Executive Level Positions(BPS-15)
- Basic Salary: 30,370 PKR to 50,370
- Allowance: House rent, Medical, and travel allowance are also included, which can increase the monthly salary by around 54,000 to 65,000 PKR.
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More Jobs Salary Information Website
For more Salaries for EOBI information visit the website given below:
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